The Art Of Microblading in Calgary

The Art Of Microblading in Calgary

Microblading is more than just a beauty treatment; it’s an art form that enhances your natural features with precision and care. Our Calgary based beauty studio specializes in creating the most lifelike brows, tailored to each individual’s unique facial structure and personal style.

What is Brows Microblading? Traditional or Classic…

Discover the transformative power of permanent makeup: traditional and classic microblading, a sophisticated technique that sculpts your eyebrows into perfection with the finest attention to detail.

Understanding Traditional Microblading


Traditional microblading utilizes a delicate blade and meticulously implants pigment beneath the skin. Aesthetics: You can achieve eyebrows that are both naturally appealing and exquisitely defined.


Its growing popularity stems from its ability to craft brows that are impeccably shaped and filled, surpassing the capabilities of regular makeup.

The Unique Appeal of Microblading


Known variably as feather touch, feathering, or hair stroke, this method offers a restorative effect, giving the impression of fuller, denser brows.

Ideal Candidates

It is best suited for individuals with normal to dry skin types to prevent the blurring of finely etched lines. Embrace the artistry of traditional microblading and enjoy the enduring beauty of well-crafted eyebrows that withstand time and lifestyle.

The Benefits of Microblading

The Art of Microblading in Calgary

Oily Skin Microblading Healing Process – Best tips for Oily Skin

The Microblading Procedure

At Wild Rose Esthetica, the art of microblading is not just a procedure but a collaborative journey towards achieving your dream eyebrows.


We begin with a thorough consultation to understand your desired look and assess your facial features.

Collaborative Design

The process begins with an in-depth consultation to align the ideal brow shape, colour, and expectations.

Colour Matching

Our technician expertly selects a pigment that seamlessly integrates with your natural hair, eyes, and skin tone.

Designing Process

A custom brow shape is sketched, ensuring it perfectly frames your face. Your recommendations and likeness are our priority while sketching THE ONE. You can also check out our professional portfolio as well to help you make the right decision.

Comfort Measures 

Numbing Application

To ensure your comfort, Wild Rose Esthetica’s proprietary numbing cream is applied, taking effect in about 20 minutes.

Pain Management

Any discomfort is typically minimal and well within the threshold of manageability for our clients.


Using our specialized technique, we apply semi-permanent ink in both short and long strokes, mimicking the appearance of natural hairs.

Precision Tooling: Utilizing a handheld device with a micro-fine needle, our technician crafts shallow skin incisions.

Artistic Strokes: Pigment is deposited in fine, hair-like strokes that follow your natural eyebrow growth, creating fullness and definition.

Duration: The meticulous nature of our work means the session can last between 2 to 3 hours, depending on the complexity of your desired look.


We make any necessary adjustments to ensure your brows look flawless.

Initial Appearance: The brows may appear darker initially but will soften to the target shade over time. 

Touch-Up Recommendation: For optimal results, we suggest a follow-up session 4 to 6 weeks later to fine-tune the shape and hue.

Preparing for Your Microblading Session

To ensure the best possible results from your microblading appointment, here are some essential preparation steps:

  • Sun Protection

Avoid sunbathing or using tanning beds for at least two weeks before your session to prevent skin damage and pigment fading.

  • Eyebrow Care

Refrain from plucking or tweezing your eyebrows for a minimum of one week before your appointment. Post-session, keep them clean and groomed, as microblading doesn’t eliminate hair.

  • Dietary Considerations

Beverage Restrictions: To reduce the risk of bleeding, it’s recommended to avoid caffeine and alcohol for 24 hours prior to your treatment.

  • Skin Preparation

Cleanliness: Come to your appointment with skin that is free of makeup, oils, and lotions to allow for the best microblading application.

  • Physical Activity

Exercise Caution: To ensure proper pigment retention, avoid intense workouts and sweating for 24 hours before and up to two weeks after your appointment.

  • Medications

Medicine Advisory: If you’re taking blood-thinning medications, consult with your healthcare provider before the procedure.

Following these steps will help you achieve the most beautiful and lasting microblading results.

Aftercare Instructions

Following our aftercare advice is essential for achieving the best results. While you’ll receive specific instructions tailored to your treatment, the following general guidelines are crucial for everyone:

Immediate Care

Keep the brow area dry and avoid touching to prevent infection.

Healing Process

Apply the provided aftercare ointment as directed to aid in the healing process.

Long Term Care

Protect your brows from prolonged sun exposure and refrain from using exfoliating products on the area.

Dryness is Key

Keep the microbladed area dry and clean, avoiding any water contact for the initial 7 days. This practice is vital to prevent bacterial growth and the accumulation of products, oils, and dead skin.

Ointment Application

A thin layer of healing ointment should be applied 2 to 3 times daily during the first week. This step is important for healing and keeping the area well-moisturized.

Avoid the Sun Rays

Direct sunlight and tanning should be avoided for at least 2 weeks following your procedure. For the best pigment preservation, consider extending this to 4 weeks.

Careful Touch/No Picking

Avoid picking or scratching the treated area to ensure uninterrupted healing and maintain the integrity of the pigment.

Makeup Free Brows

Keep makeup away from your brows for at least 7 days post-procedure to promote proper healing.

Limit Exercise

Refrain from intense exercise for at least two weeks to prevent excessive sweating, which can affect healing. A four-week period is advisable for optimal pigment retention. Adhering to these guidelines will help ensure that your microbladed brows heal beautifully and last as long as possible.

Are Eyebrows Microblading Painful?

The majority of clients report that the sensation is manageable, and they find the microblading process to be well within their comfort zone. Microblading is a procedure that involves precision and care. While some level of discomfort can be expected, measures are taken to ensure your comfort throughout the process.

Numbing Measures

A topical anaesthetic cream is applied to the brow area before the procedure begins, significantly reducing any sensation of pain or discomfort. Rest assured, your comfort is a top priority, and every step is taken to make your microblading experience as pleasant as possible.

How long does microblading last?

The enduring effect of microblading is one of its most appealing aspects. Here’s what you can expect in terms of duration:

Time Frame

Typically, microbladed brows maintain their appearance for 12 to 36 months.

Influencing Factors

The longevity of your microblading results will depend on several personal factors, including:

  • Skin Type: Oily or dry, each skin type holds pigment differently.
  • Age: Younger skin may retain pigment longer due to higher cell turnover.
  • Lifestyle: Sun exposure, skincare routines, and other habits can affect how long the results last.
  • Aftercare: Proper maintenance post-procedure plays a crucial role in the lifespan of your microbladed brows.

By considering these factors and following aftercare instructions, you can enjoy beautiful, hassle-free brows for years to come. With Classic Microblading or Microstroking, you’re not just getting a beauty service; you’re investing in a masterpiece that celebrates your individuality. 

Also read this: How Long Does Microblading Last on Oily Skin?

Experience the confidence that comes with perfect brows crafted just for you.