How Long Does Microblading Last on Oily Skin

How Long Does Microblading Last on Oily Skin?

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Microblading is a popular cosmetic procedure for enhancing the appearance of eyebrows. It involves using a small tool with tiny needles to add semi-permanent pigment to the skin, creating the illusion of fuller, well-shaped eyebrows.

However, the longevity of microblading can vary depending on skin type, especially for those with oily skin. So, How Long Does Microblading Last on Oily Skin?

In this article, we’ll explore how long microblading typically lasts on oily skin and offer tips to make it last longer.

What is Oily Skin?

Oily skin is characterized by excessive sebum production by the sebaceous glands. It often appears shiny, has larger pores, and is prone to acne and blackheads. The higher oil content can impact various skin treatments, including microblading.

Why your Skin Type Matters For Microblading?

The amount of oil your skin produces can significantly affect the outcome of microblading. Oily skin can cause the pigment to spread or fade faster, leading to less defined brows and a shorter duration of cosmetic enhancement.

Microblading Oily Skin: How Different Skin Types Affect Microblading?

Different skin types can react differently to microblading, affecting both the initial appearance and the longevity of the treatment. Oily skin, in particular, presents unique challenges that can influence the retention of the pigment and the clarity of the microbladed brows.

What Will Happen if You Microblade Oily Skin?

If you microblade oily skin, you may find that:

  • The strokes tend to blur, resulting in a softer, less defined look.
  • The colour fades faster, requiring more frequent touch-ups.
  • The healing process might be slightly longer due to the active sebaceous glands.

Oily Skin? Read This Before You Get Microblading

For those with oily skin considering microblading, it’s crucial to:

  • Choose an experienced technician familiar with working on oily skin types.
  • Be prepared for potentially shorter intervals between touch-ups.
  • Follow specific aftercare instructions to maximize the lifespan of your microblading.

Color Retention And Healing of Skin Types

Let’s look at how different skin types can affect colour retention and the healing process of microblading:

Skin TypeDescriptionColor RetentionHealing
OilyHigh sebum production, shiny appearanceLow (fades faster)Can be prolonged with slower scabbing
DryFlaky, rough texture, lacks moistureHigh (holds color well)Quick and straightforward
NormalBalanced moisture, smooth textureModerate to highTypically uneventful
CombinationOily in some areas, dry in othersVaries by areaVaries by area

Oily Skin Microblading Healing Process and Aftercare

Healing Process

  • The initial healing process for oily skin can take about 14 to 30 days.
  • You may notice more oiliness around the brow area, which can interfere with the formation of crisp lines.
  • Scabbing might be lighter, but more spread out, which is crucial for retaining as much pigment as possible.

Aftercare Tips

  1. Keep the Brows Dry: Avoid water and excessive sweating around the brows for the first week.
  2. Light Ointment Application: Use recommended ointments sparingly to avoid over-saturating the area.
  3. Avoid Touching: Minimize touching the brows to reduce the risk of infection and pigment loss.
  4. Sun Protection: Protect your brows from the sun to prevent the pigment from fading prematurely.

Understanding Microblading on Oily Skin

Why Skin Type Matters?

Oily Skin Challenges:
Oily skin produces more sebum (natural oil), which can cause the microblading pigment to spread and fade faster. Excess oils on the skin surface can interfere with the healing process and pigment retention.

Pigment Retention:
People with oily skin might notice that their microblading appears less crisp and may fade more quickly compared to those with dry or normal skin types.

Expected Duration of Microblading on Oily Skin

On average, microblading on oily skin lasts 6 months to 1 year. This is shorter than the 1 to 2 years that individuals with dry or normal skin might expect.

Tips for Extending the Life of Microblading on Oily Skin

Here are several tips to help extend the longevity of microblading on oily skin:

  1. Pre-Treatment Care:
    • Avoid skincare products that increase oil production a week before the procedure.
    • Do not exfoliate or use retinoids close to your appointment as they can inflame the skin.
  2. Post-Treatment Care:
    • Keep the brow area clean and dry; avoid excessive sweating for at least a week.
    • Apply any post-care ointments as recommended by your technician, but in small amounts to avoid oversaturating the skin.
  3. Regular Touch-Ups:
    • Schedule regular touch-up appointments every 6 to 12 months to maintain the desired look.
  4. Use Compatible Skincare Products:
    • Opt for oil-free facial products to avoid dissolving the pigments prematurely.
  5. Sun Protection:
    • Wear a hat or use an SPF designed for the face to protect the pigments from UV rays, which can accelerate fading.

What to Expect During and After the Procedure?

During the Procedure

The microblading session typically lasts about 2 hours. You might feel a scratching sensation, but discomfort is generally minimal.

Healing Process

The brows usually heal in 14 to 30 days. During this time, you might experience scabbing or flaking, which is normal. It’s crucial not to pick at the scabs to ensure the best healing.


Follow the aftercare instructions provided by your technician meticulously. This includes avoiding getting the brows wet for a few days and not applying makeup or pressing on the brows until they have fully healed.


Read How to Achieve Radiant Skin With BB-Glow Treatments


FAQs about Microblading on Oily Skin

Is Microblading Worth It for Oily Skin?

Yes, microblading can still be worth it for oily skin, especially if you prefer the natural look of microbladed brows. However, be prepared for potentially faster fading and the need for more frequent touch-ups compared to other skin types.

How Do You Make Microblading Last on Oily Skin?

To make microblading last longer on oily skin:

  1. Follow a strict aftercare regimen, keeping the brows dry and clean.
  2. Use blotting papers or mattifying products to control oil around the brow area.
  3. Schedule regular touch-up sessions every 6 to 12 months.
  4. Use oil-free skincare products around the brow area.

What Can I Use Instead of Microblading for Oily Skin?

Alternatives to microblading for oily skin include:

  • Powder brows: This technique uses a powdered effect rather than hair-like strokes, which can be more durable on oily skin.
  • Microshading: Combines techniques to give a shaded, pencil-filled look.
  • Tattooing: A more permanent solution, though it often lacks the natural appearance of microblading.

Are Powder Brows Better for Oily Skin Than Microblading?

Yes, powder brows are often better for oily skin than microblading. The technique involves a softer, powder-filled look that can handle excess oils better and generally lasts longer on oily skin.

Is Microshading Better Than Microblading for Oily Skin?

Microshading can be a better option than microblading for those with oily skin. It involves applying a shading technique that creates a less defined and softer brow, which can be more resilient against the effects of oily skin and tends to retain color longer.


While microblading can be effective for enhancing eyebrow appearance, those with oily skin should be prepared for potentially faster fading and may need more frequent touch-ups. By following the tips provided and working with a skilled technician, you can achieve and maintain beautiful brows despite having oily skin.