Dermaplaning Services Calgary

Dermaplaning Services Calgary

Glow & Go Clinical Facial

Experience our Glow and Go clinical facial service, designed to exfoliate your skin and remove peach fuzz comfortably. This treatment not only instantly rejuvenates your skin but also creates the perfect canvas for flawless makeup application. It’s an ideal choice for:

  • Photography Sessions
  • Special Occasions

With over 40 years of practice, our dermaplaning services ensure deep exfoliation with minimal to no downtime. Dermaplaning is a transformative skincare treatment that offers a unique approach to physical exfoliation.

Dermaplaning Services are Best For Targeted Skin Concerns Like…

Our dermaplaning service is effective for a variety of skin concerns, including:

  • Acne Scarring: Helps reduce the appearance of acne scars.
  • Enlarged Pores: Cleanses pores, leaving your skin smooth and refined.
  • Dull Skin: Revives your skin’s natural glow.
  • Hyperpigmentation: Aims to even out skin tone.
  • Lines Wrinkles: Smoothens the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Peach Fuzz: Removes soft facial hair that traps dirt and oils.
  • Sun Damage: Assists in the reduction of visible sun damage effects.

What is dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is a delicate exfoliation technique performed in a professional setting using a specialized surgical-grade scalpel. This precise tool is expertly manoeuvred across the skin at an optimal angle, meticulously removing the outermost layer of dead skin cells and fine hair. 

The result is a beautifully smooth and luminous complexion, often referred to as a dermaplane glow. This method is particularly beneficial for those with sensitive skin or conditions that limit the use of traditional exfoliating acids, such as pregnancy. 

Dermaplaning can be performed as a standalone treatment or in conjunction with chemical exfoliators, depending on individual skin needs. It’s also commonly used to enhance the effectiveness of chemical peels and boost the skin’s uptake of nourishing serums and other topical treatments.

Our Dermaplaning Services & Procedure in Calgary

By using a precise, surgical-grade scalpel, our skilled professionals gently scrape away the outermost layers of dead skin and fine hair, revealing a smoother, brighter complexion beneath.

Classic Dermaplaning

A standard treatment focusing on exfoliation and hair removal. It helps achieve smoother silk skin with reduced fine lines and gets rid of wrinkles.

Deluxe Dermaplaning

This package includes a soothing post-exfoliation mask, which will also help enhance the hydration of your skin.

Ultimate Dermaplaning

Along with previous services, this package combines dermaplaning with a personalized serum application. It’s best for long-lasting beauty results.

The Dermaplaning Vivid Benefits

Reveal a Radiant Complexion

When you take away the top layer of dead skin and soft hair from your face through dermaplaning services. It does more than make your skin look bright and feel super clean. Here’s how it helps:

The Dermaplaning Vivid Benefits Calgary

Ideal Candidates for Dermaplaning

Sensitive Skin

Those with sensitive skin that cannot tolerate chemical peels.

Dull Complexion

Individuals are looking to restore their skin’s natural brightness.

Fine Lines Wrinkles

Anyone wanting to diminish the appearance of ageing.

Why Choose Us?

Expertise: Our estheticians are highly trained and certified in dermaplaning techniques.

Quality: We use only the best surgical-grade tools for safe and effective treatments.

Customization: Each session is tailored to meet your unique skin care needs.

Embrace the confidence that comes with beautifully smooth and luminous skin. 

Book your dermaplaning appointment with us today and step into a world where your skin’s natural beauty shines through.

Post-Treatment Care After Dermaplaning

Sun Protection: Always apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen to protect your freshly exfoliated skin.

Hydration: Keep your skin moisturized to maintain the treatment’s benefits.

Follow-up: Schedule regular sessions to achieve and maintain optimal results.

What to Know About Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is a bit like shaving your face, but not all beauty experts can do it. In some places, like California, you need to be a doctor or have a special medical license to offer dermaplaning. 

But in other places, like New York, regular beauty experts can do it. Just because they’re allowed to do it doesn’t mean they’re good at it. So, it’s a smart idea to ask about their training and if they really know how to do a dermaplaning facial before you let them treat your skin. Embrace the confidence of clear, smooth, and radiant skin with our expert dermaplaning services.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Does Dermaplaning Work?

Your skin battles tough stuff like pollution and UV rays every day, making it look tired and old. Dermaplaning is a gentle skin fix that scrapes away the worn-out skin and tiny hairs from your face without any cuts. 

Here’s how it goes: 

  • First, your face gets a good clean to get rid of germs, grease, and grime. 
  • Then, a special oil makes sure the treatment glides on without any pull. 
  • A clean, sharp blade is carefully moved along the skin, keeping it tight at just the right angle to lift off the dull, dead layer and show off the fresh, new skin underneath. 
  • To finish up, a warm towel wipes away any leftovers, leaving your skin clean and bright.

Does Dermaplaning Hurt?

Dermaplaning services are totally comfortable treatment that doesn’t hurt at all. Even though it uses a sharp medical tool, it just gently slides over the skin without cutting into it. 

A special oil is used to ensure the tool moves smoothly without pulling on the skin while still removing the very top layer of dead skin.

Is Dermaplaning Safe?

When a skilled Medical Esthetician does dermaplaning, it’s really safe. It’s a gentle process that doesn’t go into the skin, making it a good option for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

How often should I Dermaplane?

For the best outcome, it’s recommended to have a dermaplaning session roughly every month. This timing works well because your body naturally gets rid of old skin cells and grows new ones each month. 

So, regular dermaplaning makes sure the old layer is taken off and your fresh, healthy skin gets to shine.

Is Dermaplaning for you?

This skin care method is ideal for those looking for quick results to get skin that’s more radiant and silky. It suits people of any age and skin type, thanks to its gentle, non-invasive nature and proven results, especially when done by a seasoned expert like us at Wild Rose Esthetics.

Here’s a tip: Enhance your dermaplaning results by treating your skin to a rich, glow-boosting serum or indulge in one of our pampering facials afterwards.