Proven Medi-Spa Treatments to Rejuvenate Your Look

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Discover Expert Skincare Solutions for a Transformative Journey to Holistic Beauty.

From non-invasive procedures targeting collagen synthesis to advanced skincare formulations addressing skin care complexities, each treatment is meticulously crafted to optimize therapeutic outcomes. The synergy between clinical expertise and cosmetic innovation defines our approach, ensuring a transformative experience that transcends conventional spa treatments.

The #1 Non-Surgical Facelift Treatment

The Holy Trinity of Medi-Spa Treatments, the non-surgical facelift is a combination of treatments that improves the health and appearance of the face without surgery or injections. Reducing and improving wrinkles, fine lines, sagging, tone and texture of skin.

This treatment works by stimulating the production of new collagen through exfoliating, tightening skin, toning muscle, and contouring where needed, giving it a tighter, fresher and more youthful appearance.

Non-surgical Facelift treatments are a healthier alternative to aesthetic injections such as dermal fillers or botox because there is nothing that can cross the blood-brain barrier or shift locations in your face years later. A much healthier and holistic approach to looking and feeling your best!

A series of 3 Non Surgical Facelift treatments are recommended between 4 to 6 weeks apart. One or 2 appointments per year should maintain your results helping to slow down typical aging.

  • Reduces fine lines and wrinkles
  • Tightens the look of the skin
  • Improves tone and texture
  • Stimulates collagen and elastin
  • Improves eye circles and bags
  • Tighten’s nasal labial folds
  • Improves jowels
  • Tightens and improves double chin
  • Lifts hooded eyes
  • Improves pores and oil production
  • Introduces ATP (energy) back into the cells
  • Relaxes tight muscles
  • Tightens saggy muscles
  • Improves scars and broken capillaries
  • lymphatic drainage to reduce puffy face
  • Gives a fresh youthful glow
A woman with a towel on her head thinking about something.
A facial diagram of the path of facial stroke path for optimum skin health.
Cross section of the skin anatomy
Woman receiving a microneedling treatment on her face


Microneedling – (aka: mesotherapy and collagen induction therapy) is a minimally invasive procedure. This innovative technique involves the use of fine, sterile needles to create controlled “micro-injuries” on the skin’s surface. This triggers the body’s wound healing response, which leads to the production of new collagen and elastin fibres.

What exactly is collagen? It’s a building block of the skin’s structure, and is a vital element for keeping skin’s strength, elasticity, and overall youthful appearance. As we age or encounter environmental stressors, it’s production naturally declines, contributing to the development of fine lines, wrinkles, and uneven skin texture. C.I.T. harnesses the body’s natural ability to repair and rejuvenate.

The benefits of Microneedling are:

  • Aids in the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Enhances skin tone and texture
  • Addresses scars
  • Helps shrink enlarged pores
  • Helps remove uneven pigmentation
  • Renewed collagen production
  • Firmer, more resilient skin

This medically proven procedure functions correctively and preventatively; promoting long-term skin health leading to a more robust and youthful dermal matrix.

A before and after cross section of skin's collagen synthesis
A woman receiving a radiofrequency treatment on her fae

Radio-frequency Skin Tightening

Radio-frequency Skin Tightening (RFST) is a non-invasive procedure grounded in the principles of energy medicine to help induce controlled thermal effects in the skin. This scientifically advanced technique is designed to address laxity concerns by stimulating collagen synthesis and promoting tissue tightening.

The process generates heat within the targeted tissue and the wound healing response is activated, prompting new collagen and elastin fibres over time. The cumulative effect of enhanced collagen content contributes to increased dermal thickness, improved elasticity, and a reduction in the appearance of sagging skin.

Radio-frequency Skin Tightening is perfect for individuals seeking non-surgical solutions to address skin laxity, including the face, neck, and body. The procedure is minimal in downtime and discomfort.

Scientifically, Radio-frequency Skin Tightening stands as a scientifically substantiated method to enhance skin firmness and promote a more youthful, revitalized appearance.

  • Reduces fine lines and wrinkles
  • Tightents the look of the skin
  • Improves texture
  • Stimulates collagen and elastin
  • Improves eye bags
  • Tighten’s nasal labial folds
  • Improves jowels
  • Improves double chin
  • Lifts hooded eyes
  • Improves pores and oil production
  • Improves scars and broken capillaries
  • Gives a healthier colour to skin
A diagram of the facial muscles
A woman receiving a microcurrent facial

Microcurrent Facial Treatment

Microcurrent Facial Treatments are a non-invasive, neuromuscular re-education, using low-level electrical currents to stimulate facial muscles.

The procedure involves the application of gentle electrical currents, to targeted facial muscles. Mimicking the body’s natural bioelectrical currents, facilitating improved ATP (adenosine triphosphate) production, cellular metabolism, and increased protein synthesis, notably collagen and elastin. The cumulative effect of microcurrent stimulation results in improved muscle firmness, diminished fine lines, and a revitalized, lifted facial contour.

By providing a specific electrical charge, these treatments induce a mild, controlled contraction of facial muscles, similar to a facial workout. Microcurrent also promotes lymphatic drainage, reducing puffiness and improving overall skin vitality.

Scientific literature supports the efficacy of Microcurrent Facial Treatments in promoting collagen and elastin synthesis, essential components for skin elasticity and resilience offering a means to promote facial muscle fitness and cellular vitality, contributing to a visibly rejuvenated and lifted face.

  • Helps reduce fine lines and wrinkles
  • Lifts the look of the features
  • Improves tone
  • Stimulates collagen
  • Improves eye circles
  • Tighten’s nasal labial folds
  • Improves jawline
  • Lifts hooded eyes
  • Introduces ATP (energy) back into the cells
  • Relaxes tight muscles
  • Tightens saggy muscles
  • Improves broken capillaries
  • lymphatic drainage to reduce puffy face
  • Gives a fresh youthful glow
A woman receiving an ultrasonic facial treatments.
Before and after of a woman who's had Ultrasonic facial treatments.

Ultrasonic Treatments

Are an advanced non-invasive modality that utilizes focused ultrasound waves to induce controlled thermal effects in targeted tissues.

Ultrasonic Treatments operate on the principle of focused ultrasound waves that converge at specific depths within the tissue, generating localized heat. This focused thermal energy triggers cellular responses leading to tissue tightening and rejuvenation. The depth of Ultrasound makes it suitable for addressing various concerns, including skin laxity, fat deposits, and cellulite.

The thermal effects induced by ultrasound reach the deeper layers without causing damage to the epidermis. This results in a dual benefit of immediate skin tightening and a gradual improvement in skin elasticity over time.

Ultrasonic treatments help improve double chin, jowels, and fatty tissue contouring. The controlled thermal energy delivered by focused ultrasound waves enables precise sculpting and contouring, making it effective for addressing sagging skin and promoting a more lifted appearance. Ultrasonic Treatments have minimal downtime and a relatively comfortable patient experience. Multiple treatments are generally required.

  • Reduces fine lines and wrinkles
  • Tightents the look of the skin
  • Improves tone
  • Stimulates collagen and elastin
  • Improves eye circles and bags
  • Tighten’s nasal labial folds
  • Improves jowels
  • Tightens and improves double chin
  • Lifts hooded eyes
  • Improves acne
  • Reduce unwanted “fat” in features