Lash Enhancement in Calgary - Pop Your Eyes Without Makeup

Lash Enhancement in Calgary – Pop Your Eyes Without Makeup

Are you seeking a way to make your eyes stand out naturally without the daily effort of applying permanent makeup? Our Lash Enhancement service offers a permanent solution that provides a subtle yet impactful definition to your eyes.

Enhance Your Gaze with Subtle Lash Line Definition

Lash Enhancement is a revolutionary beauty service designed to give your eyes a permanent pop of definition without the daily hassle of makeup. This subtle yet effective treatment fills in and around your lash line, creating the illusion of fuller lashes and brighter eyes.

This innovative technique differs from traditional eyeliner tattooing, which places ink above the lash line. Instead, OUR Lash Enhancement delicately fills in and around the lash bed, seamlessly integrating with your natural lashes.

Benefits of Lash Enhancement

Benefits of Lash Enhancement

Join the ranks of those who enjoy a consistently fresh and awake appearance. 

With Lash Enhancement, you can wake up every day with eyes that sparkle, prompting others to wonder about your secret to looking effortlessly beautiful around the clock.

Our Lash Enhancement Procedure

For Your Lash Enhancement Appointment, you would go through the following Steps:

  1. Numbing

Your comfort is our priority. Upon arrival, we’ll apply a numbing agent to the treatment area. This process takes approximately 20 minutes to ensure minimal discomfort during the procedure.

  1. Pre-Draw

Next, we begin the pre-draw phase. This is a collaborative effort where your feedback is crucial. Together, we’ll design the perfect shape to complement your natural features.

  1. Pigment Implantation

Once you’re satisfied with the pre-drawn shape, we’ll proceed with the actual pigment implantation. 

This is done with precision and care, embedding the colour within the lash line.

  1. Comfort Management

Throughout the procedure, we administer a secondary anaesthetic to alleviate any potential pain, swelling, or redness. 

Our goal is to ensure your utmost comfort from start to finish.

  1. Aftercare Review

The entire appointment will last between 2 to 3 hours. After the enhancement is complete, we’ll provide you with detailed aftercare instructions to facilitate optimal healing.

  1. Aftercare Kit

You’ll receive a comprehensive aftercare kit, which includes an eye wash, healing gel, and shower visors, to assist you in caring for your enhanced lashes after treatment.

By following these steps, you can look forward to a smooth and comfortable lash enhancement experience with us, resulting in beautifully defined eyes.

Guidelines For Before Lash Enhancement Appointment in Calgary

Here’s how to get ready for your lash appointment in simple steps:

  • Remove Lash Extensions: Take off any lash extensions at least 20 days before your appointment.
  • Schedule Lash Lift and Tint: Do this either 2 weeks before or 3 weeks after your lash enhancement session.
  • Stop Using Lash Serums: Pause any lash growth serums 4 weeks before your appointment.
  • Come Makeup-Free: Don’t wear any eye makeup to your appointment.
  • Switch to Glasses: If you wear contact lenses, please remove them and wear your glasses instead.

Just follow these steps, and you’ll be all set for your visit!

Lash Enhancement Healing Process

Quick & Easy

Our aftercare kit helps you heal quickly without any scabbing.

Feeling Better 

You’ll start to feel healed in just 3 to 5 days.


The liner might lighten by about 20%. After 4 weeks, you can choose to have a touch-up if you want.

Downtime Details


You might have a little swelling, but it’ll go away in 24 hours.

No Makeup

Don’t put makeup near your eyes for 5 days, no mascara for 10 days, and no eyeliner for 14 days to avoid infection and ensure the best colour retention.

Aftercare Instructions 

Avoid Water: Keep your lashes dry for at least 24 hours after treatment. Avoid Rubbing: Be gentle and avoid rubbing your eyes to allow the pigment to set properly. 

Follow-Up Care: Attend any recommended touch-up appointments to maintain the enhancement.

Is Lash Enhancement Painful?

 Most clients report minimal discomfort, akin to a slight tingling sensation.

How long does the treatment last?

The results can last several years 2-3 years, with touch-ups recommended annually.      

Can I still wear mascara?

Yes, you can still apply mascara for an added dramatic effect, though many find it unnecessary. Lash Enhancement is the perfect solution for those looking to simplify their beauty routine while maintaining a look of effortless elegance.

With our service, you can wake up every day with eyes that are naturally defined and vibrant, giving you the confidence to face the world makeup-free.

So BOOK NOW and discover the Beauty of Lash Enhancement: A Permanent Solution for Eye-Defining Elegance!