High Frequency Clinical Facial Calgary

High Frequency Clinical Facial Calgary

Revitalize Your Skin with High Frequency Technology. High frequency clinical facials are a transformative solution for various skin concerns.

Wild Rose Esthetica’s high frequency clinical facial offers a proven solution for a range of skin issues, including acne, breakouts, enlarged pores, and a lacklustre complexion. These facials are perfect for anyone seeking to enhance their skin’s overall appearance, diminish fine lines and wrinkles, and boost their skin’s inherent radiance. 

High Frequency Clinical Facial Treatment in Calgary

Utilizing this advanced technology, these treatments can effectively address:

  • Active Acne
  • Clogged & Enlarged Pores  
  • Dull Skin
  • Eye Circles & Bags
  • Lines & Wrinkles

What is a High Frequency Clinical Facial? The Science Behind the Treatment

High-frequency therapies harness the restorative properties of electrical energy to boost collagen synthesis and enhance blood flow. High-frequency facials work through the generation of enriched oxygen molecules.

How does it work?

These facials employ gentle electrical currents to invigorate skin cells without causing pain or harm. The procedure utilizes a glass electrode containing either argon or neon gas. When activated by an electrical current, it emits a violet or orange glow. The electrodes come in various shapes to suit different treatment areas.

Advantages of this process

This process enhances skin oxygenation and boosts circulation, leading to a radiant, youthful complexion. Facials are effective for addressing various skin issues, including dull complexions, enlarged pores, breakouts, and acne. 

Additionally, they can alleviate redness and inflammation linked to numerous skin conditions, contributing to improved skin texture and tone. Whether incorporated into a comprehensive facial regimen or used independently, high-frequency facials cater to individual skincare needs. 

The immediate effects include:

  • brighter
  • smoother
  • and more moisturized appearance of the skin

To sustain these benefits, ongoing treatments may be recommended based on your specific skin care objectives.

Benefits of High Frequency Facials

The high-frequency facial offers a multitude of benefits, including:

Benefits of High Frequency Facials

Targeted Treatment Areas- Best Suited For

The high-frequency facial is especially effective for:

  • Forehead: Smoothes lines and furrows.
  • Cheeks: Tightens pores and enhances skin texture.
  • Nasolabial Folds: Reduces the appearance of laugh lines. Under-Eye Area: Alleviates dark circles and puffiness.
  • Jawline and Neck: Firms and lifts the skin for a defined contour.

By incorporating high-frequency clinical facials into your skincare routine, you can enjoy a refreshed, clear, and vibrant complexion. Embrace the power of this innovative treatment and witness the transformation of your skin today. Book us for more information.

Why Choose Us?

At Wild Rose Esthetica, we recognize each client’s unique requirements. Our expert estheticians are prepared to tailor a treatment plan that aligns with your individual skin care needs. 

Book a consultation with us today and discover the transformative effects of our high-frequency facial treatments on your skin!


How Often Should I Have a High Frequency Facial?

Based on your specific skin care requirements and concerns, it might be advantageous to receive a high-frequency facial every 4 to 6 weeks. Our esthetician will assist in crafting an ideal treatment timetable tailored to your needs.

Is There Any Side Effect Of High Frequency Facial?

High-frequency facial treatments are non-invasive and typically do not require any significant downtime. While some mild redness or irritation may occur post-treatment, these minor effects generally subside swiftly.

Are High Frequency Facial Treatment Safe?

High-frequency facials are widely considered to be safe when performed by a certified professional. The electrical current utilized is gentle, and there is no significant risk of burns or other severe adverse effects.

Who Should Avoid Using High Frequency Facial Treatment?

High-frequency facial treatments are typically safe, but they may not be appropriate for everyone. Those with certain medical conditions should exercise caution or avoid high-frequency treatments altogether. 

This includes individuals with:

  • Pacemakers
  • Orthodontic Braces
  • Heart Conditions
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Inflamed Skin 
  • Couperose Skin
  • Epilepsy
  • Pregnancy
  • Open Facial Sores (due to a heightened risk of infection)
  • Telangiectasias (as there is a possibility of an increase in their occurrence following high-frequency treatments)