Glycolic Chemical Peel Calgary

Glycolic Chemical Peel Calgary

Rejuvenate Your Skin with Glycolic Chemical Peels in Calgary, the heart of Alberta, is not only known for its vibrant city life and beautiful landscapes but also for its advanced skincare services. A Glycolic peel clinical facial is an effective treatment to freshen up your complexion quickly.

It works by removing dead outer layers of skin, revealing dewier, younger-looking skin underneath. Among these, Glycolic Chemical Peels stand out as a popular choice for those seeking to rejuvenate their skin and achieve a radiant complexion.

What is a Glycolic Chemical Peel?

A Glycolic Chemical Peel is one of the clinical facial treatments. It is a skin-resurfacing procedure in which a chemical solution is applied to the skin to remove the top layers. The skin that grows back is smoother and younger-looking. Glycolic acid, derived from sugar cane, is one of the most common acids used in chemical peels.

Glycolic acid, a natural extract from sugar cane, is renowned for its skin exfoliation properties that enhance the skin’s glow and radiance. A glycolic peel is an alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA) exfoliation procedure celebrated for revolutionizing the skin’s tone, texture, and overall appearance, giving it a more vibrant and rejuvenated look.

Benefits of Glycolic Acid Peel

Benefits of Glycolic Acid Peel

Common Skin Concerns Addressed

Acne & Scarring

Effectively treats acne issues and reduces the visibility of scarring.

Pore-Related Issues

Clogged & Enlarged Pores: Helps in minimizing the appearance of clogged and enlarged pores.

Skin Texture

  • Crepey Skin: Aims to improve the texture of crepey skin.
  • Dull Skin: Revitalizes dull skin, giving it a brighter and more vibrant look.


Hand Rejuvenation: Offers treatments specifically for rejuvenating the skin on hands.


Hyperpigmentation: Targets uneven skin tone and dark spots to improve overall skin complexion

Aging Signs  

Lines & Wrinkles: Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. 

Skin Laxity: Addresses the issue of loose or sagging skin.

Environmental Damage

Sun Damage: Treats and repairs skin that has been damaged by sun exposure.

Glycolic Peel Services in Calgary

Calgary boasts a range of clinics and spas offering professional Glycolic Peel services like ours. These treatments are performed by our certified dermatologists and skin care specialists who ensure safety and effectiveness.

Why Choose Us For Glycolic Peel Treatment?

When selecting a service provider for a Glycolic Peel in Calgary is crucial. We offer the following quality along with the service: 


Our clinic has certified professionals. With experience and proper knowledge of pampering skin.


We provide services that offer personalized skin assessments. Our skin specialists give detailed consultations about your skin’s nature and what would work best to achieve the desired results. 


We provide post-treatment care instructions. This will ensure the longevity of the treatment results like:

  • Avoid sun exposure: Wear sunscreen to protect the new skin.
  • Moisturize: Keep the skin hydrated with recommended products
  • Avoid picking or peeling: Let the skin naturally shed to prevent scarring.

Popular Glycolic Peel Treatments in Calgary

Standard Glycolic Peels

It is ideal for first-timers looking to refresh their skin. 

Advanced Glycolic Treatments

This is for those targeting specific skin concerns like deep wrinkles or severe hyperpigmentation.

Combination Treatments

We offer Glycolic Peels combined with other services for a comprehensive skincare routine. For more information, Book us to experience a fresher, younger version of yourself. 

Pre-Treatment Guidelines Preparing for Your Peel

Before undergoing a Glycolic Peel, it’s important to:

Consult with a specialist

To determine if Glycolic Peels are suitable for your skin type.

Follow pre-treatment instructions

For example, avoid certain medications or skincare products.

These are some pre-treatment instructions to keep in mind: 

Cease Application of Certain Products

Stop using self-tanners, masks, scrubs, or any exfoliating agents at least 20 days before the scheduled peel.  

Discontinue Specific Treatments

Do not use any alpha-hydroxy acid (such as glycolic cream), retinol, Retin A, Renova, Tazorac, or Differin products 20 days before the peel.

Hair Removal

Facial Hair Waxing: Do not wax facial hair for 20 days preceding the peel.

Health Considerations

Cold Sores and Fever Blisters: Before your appointment, notify your skincare provider if you have cold sores or fever blisters on your face or if you have a history of these conditions.

Sun Exposure

Sun Protection: Avoid any sun exposure and tanning activities for at least one week before your peel to ensure optimal skin condition for the treatment.

Following these instructions will help prepare your skin for the glycolic peel and contribute to a successful treatment outcome.

Glycolic Chemical Peels in Calgary offer a path to revitalized and youthful skin. With a range of options and expert providers, residents and visitors can enjoy the benefits of this effective treatment. Remember to choose a reputable clinic and follow all pre and post-care instructions for the best results.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is best suited for glycolic peel treatment?

Glycolic peels are generally compatible with a wide range of skin tones and types, although individuals with darker skin may experience varying outcomes.

Ideal candidates for this procedure are those over the age of 18 who possess robust skin health and significant oil production. It is advisable to consult with a dermatologist prior to undergoing a glycolic peel, especially for those with rosacea, sensitive skin, or a darker complexion.

What are the expected results of this clinical facial treatment?

Following the treatment, you can expect to see noticeable improvements in the appearance of:

  • fine lines and wrinkles
  • acne & scars
  • hyperpigmentation

What is the recovery period of Glycolic Peel?

The recovery period post-treatment will vary based on the intensity of the peel. For a light peel, you might experience some redness, typically subsiding within about a week, during which a soothing ointment may be applied for comfort.

The healing process for medium-depth peels can extend up to two weeks. During this period, your dermatologist will carefully monitor your recovery. To alleviate any discomfort during this time, you may consider using over-the-counter pain medication.

How many sessions of glycolic peel?

Glycolic peels are considered to be more superficial and, therefore, safer than deeper chemical peels, leading to a more gradual improvement in the skin’s condition.

A single session can rejuvenate the skin, imparting a vibrant glow. However, for more significant and long-term results, patients are typically advised to undergo a series of approximately 5 to 6 treatments. These sessions are spaced out every 3 to 4 weeks, and the strength of the peel can be increased as the skin adapts. 

The benefits of glycolic peels tend to be enduring, yet some individuals may opt for a maintenance peel every 3 to 6 months to preserve the positive effects.